"I considered a highlight of my career as a military historian to be asked to write a testimonial to this fantastic book.
Stunning is the only word I can think of to describe "The Silent Sentinels." Not only does it cover the Minuteman artwork in exquisite detail, but it places all of this into context. I found that I couldn't wait to turn the page to see what new information there was. I was going to decide on my favorite piece of art and after selecting 10 after the first 100 I looked at, I gave up. A beautiful testimonial to a weapon system that has protected our nation for over 60 years without firing a shot in anger, thank goodness!"
- David K. Stumpf, military historian and author of "Minuteman: A Technical History of the Missile That Defined American Nuclear Warfare."

"The Association of Air Force Missileers' greater mission is to preserve the heritage and the legacy of the weapon systems and the people who, in the past and currently, operate, maintain, secure and support this Nation's most critical nuclear assets. This book supports the association's mission and clearly draws on the artistic talents of Missileers who reflect through art and song, their patriotism, selfless service, emotions, and camaraderie. Their selfless duty is perpetuated, between lines and colors, to the reader and the next generation of Sentinels."
- Mark Silliman, CMSgt (ret)
President, Association of Air Force Missileers

"The Silent Sentinels" is a compendium, a repository of ICBM history where the reader can at once experience the culture and legacy of having been a part of this most unique community, while sharing the pride in the inheritance being passed to the current force and all future generations of those who will shoulder nuclear alert responsibilities. (And...there's a lot of art..."nose art," paintings, poetry, music and lyrics...)
- C. Donald Alston
Major General, USAF (Ret.)

"A must have for anyone interested in the human element of nuclear deterrence! If art imitates life through an artist’s media, here’s a glimpse into the minds of those who have served the ICBM mission largely unnoticed with awesome dedication and unsurpassed responsibilities."
- Lance Lord, General, USAF (ret)
Minuteman Combat Crew member, 1969-1973
321 SMW, Grand forks AFB, ND

"The Silent Sentinels is FANTASTIC! Really a great balance between a "coffee table book" and a reference/history. Brought back a lot of memories!"
- George Sholl, Major, USAF (ret)